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Comprehensive Financial Planning
Spread Financial Literacy

☑️ Do you want to reserve your finances for the future without impacting your current lifestyle❓

☑️ Do you want to channelize a source of passive income that continues even after retirement❓

☑️ Do you want to go on a long-awaited vacation with your family without worrying about your dream house savings❓

If the answer to at least one of the above questions is a YES, then you are in the right space.

In a minute, I’ll tell you how you can accomplish all of the above without much struggle.

Here’s what I mean – Comprehensive Financial Planning is the one-stop solution to your questions.

Now before I go on, what is Comprehensive Financial Planning?

It is a continuous process wherein your financial planner assesses your present financial situation and helps you reach your life goals and accomplish your dreams in the times to come, say in 5 to 10 to 30 years down the line.

Let’s dive deep into what the process is all about!

Here we believe that the future of our long-term relationship revolves around establishing a healthy and transparent client-planner relationship. Thorough the expectations from each other, better this relationship will be.

We assure you a requirement-specific, accurate and professional financial plan in the best interest of yours by analyzing the current data framework with the help of dedicated and experienced financial planners who have adequate intelligence and expertise in this field.

The first step in this process is the Financial Health Check.

Just like your physical health changes depending on your lifestyle conditions, your financial stability also fluctuates with time and the pattern of expenses and liabilities.

It is vital that you evaluate your present financial situation at regular intervals and keep a check on your financial health as well.

We follow these quick steps to analyze this critical parameter for our client’s Financial Health Check

✔️ Analyze your financial dependability in your immediate and extended family

✔️ Evaluate Financial Risks

✔️ Calculate your net worth by keeping track of your assets and liabilities.

✔️ Examine your monthly income, budget and determine your debt-to-income ratio.

✔️ Evaluate your financial goals on a short term as well as long term basis.

After performing the financial health check, we move forward to Cash Flow Analysis.

The name itself explains what this means. Cash flow is the amount of cash you receive through all your income sources and the total payments you make including your personal as well as professional expenses.

We carefully study your cash flow by following a detailed research on your expenses, EMIs, savings and investment patterns. We develop strategies by focusing on maintaining a positive cash flow to provide maximum liquidity.

Our efficient Risk Management techniques will help you recognize probable risks well in advance and evaluate the possible damage it can cause. We eventually perform protective measures to mitigate the impact of risks. If you think it’s nothing, think again!

Let me ask you how well are you prepared for unanticipated events? Do you always have a Plan B?

Here’s your chance to put into action our Contingency Plan that will ensure you revert to healthy financial stability as soon as possible after an unforeseen episode.

Our well strategic Contingency plan B will help you to quickly switch into recovery mode without panic. When you deal with finances, you are exposed to threat but we promise to guide you through such incidents.

We know that you understand the difference between WANTS and NEEDS. But you don’t necessarily have to kill your dreams today in order to fabricate a better tomorrow.

Can you imagine how great that feels?

What if I tell you that we focus on identifying your Financial Life Goals and Prioritize them as per your requirements?

OK, I know what you’re thinking. If it’s about prioritizing, I can do it on my own. Am I right?

Then let me ask you why couldn’t you accomplish it so far?

Because believe me or not, this can be overwhelming. You need to set realistic financial goals

Here’s the scary part-

👹 Should you enroll your child in the best academy or reserve more money for his/her marriage? 

👹 Build a nest egg for medical emergencies or enjoy a destination holiday with loved ones? 

👹 Pay off existing loans or start investing for higher returns? 

👹 Set up a business which was once a dream and never-dying passion or save to secure your after retirement life? 

👹 Purchase your dream house or build a source of passive income? 

I could go on and on. Don’t get me wrong but most of us fail to make a wise choice and end up whining over our decisions later. 

We don’t want you to be hard on yourself and remember, many people fail before discovering the perfect success formula. And here, we take you along the journey with our tried and tested formulas. 

Now that we’ve come so far, let me take you further towards Designing a Financial Plan exclusively for you! 

In order to ensure financial security, you need to make Smart Financial Plans which include-

👍 Set appropriate financial goals for your life in terms of time duration and amount required.

👍 Keep an eye on your Income and Loans (EMIs)

👍 Focus on Investing and accumulating corpus through all available resources

👍 Create financial plan exit strategies to enjoy your financial dreams 

We review your financial plan on a well-timed basis, not only by checking the instantaneous hurdles but after gauging the bigger picture. 

The next step in crafting your Unique financial plan is to develop a unified Investment Management strategy. 

We effectively monitor and manage your investments using our customized approach which in turn improves optimal utilization of your money resources and increase the chances of soaring return on investment. 

You won’t need to hire any investment management agency separately; we take complete authority of governing your portfolio. We make sure you invest with a discrete objective in mind considering both the returns and risks involved. 

With every investment that we make for your profile, we also work out Risk Tolerance Identification.

We analyze your financial risk tolerance with respect to the capacity and willingness to adjust possible fluctuations in the value of investments. 

We focus on aligning your investments with the risk-reward continuum to ensure peacefulness of our clients in such decisions. It is essential to acknowledge your risk tolerance to proceed with the appropriate investments and draw clear objectives. 

Rather than blocking your hard earned money in one particular investment, we follow Asset Allocation practices. We diversify your investment portfolio among various categories like cash, real estate, stocks, bonds and other available alternatives. 

The concept is to reduce risks and optimize returns. We diversify your portfolio by holding multiple diversified assets and re-balancing the allocation by altering the proportions of different assets in your portfolio as time goes.

 With an aim to achieve your desired goals, we design a Portfolio Management Process to manage your assets consistently.

This is done in order to maintain the risk-return trade-off over the entire portfolio, and not individual assets. The process comprises of two steps-

  1. Planning/ Construction– which includes identifying the objectives and limitations, investment policies, capital market expectations and the asset allocation strategy.
  2. Execution/ Implementation– which includes the portfolio selection and implementation that is supposed to be appropriately timed and well-managed.

 After planning and execution, it is our responsibility to Monitor, Review and Rebalance your investment portfolio at regular intervals such that it meets your expectations in the long run. 

We keep an eye on economic trends as it plays a crucial role in yielding better results. We examine the causes of these changes with the help of our expert planners, who continuously observe, study, calculate and implement their expertise on your portfolio. 

Since some of the investments are done keeping a wider picture in mind along with long-term goals, we review progress every year to ensure that your investments and goals are intact and flourishing. 

Rebalancing works wonders as a risk reduction strategy, permitting us to line up investments periodically in alignment with your goals. 

Wait, there’s more! 

You might be wondering all these are long term plans and what could you do to glorify the present. 

So let me tell you that we can plan out solution-oriented passive income strategies if you desire monthly returns on your investments. 

And in addition to all this, we assist you with Tax Planning so that you benefit from various tax exemptions, deductions and reduce your tax liability over a financial year.

We plan your finances with the most optimized approach by analyzing your finances from a tax efficient perspective. 

Also our highly experienced and qualified professionals can guide you with your Will and Estate Planning embedded in a detailed process, saving your time and money looking out for a solicitor. 

We are committed to be by your side from the start till the end, in thick and thin, in highs and lows­­­, now and always in your lives till you reach Financial Nirvana 

Does all this make sense to you?

So what are you waiting for?

Join hands with the Happy Life Planner and let us walk you through the beautiful life of your dreams!

You can reach us on +91-9963678795

We are just a call away!!

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I’m Ravi Kiran

Certified Financial Planner
I help people protect, manage, grow money creating Wealth and create Financial Independence. Want to know a bit more about me? check out my story.
Happy Life Planner

Premium Financial Literacy Group